EBT logo EuroBillTracker

:. Pratite putovanje svojih euronovčanica od 1. siječnja 2002.

:. Informacije o korisniku (Flag for Njemačka rosudo)

Pogodaka: 28
Uneseno novčanica: 2 720
Omjer pogodaka: 1 : 97.14

Učlanjeni: 2010-07-02
Zadnja unesena novčanica: 2022-01-26 02:51:18

rosudo je povezan s 26 drugih korisnika, npr.:

Međunarodna ljestvica: 6 423
Državna ljestvica: 1 578
Gradska ljestvica: 107

Vrijednost unesenih novčanica: 47 330 €
Prosječni apoen unesenih novčanica: 17.40 €

Raspodjela vrijednosti novčanica
5 €   650   3 250 €
10 €   973   9 730 €
20 €   685   13 700 €
50 €   411   20 550 €
100 €   1   100 €

I started tracking Euro bills on 2 July 2010 when I found out about EuroBillTracker; among the first six bills I registered on that day there was a hit right away, the only one that year. In 2011 I had six hits, only two the following year and in 2013 there were five hits, in 2014 I hit on three bills and one only in 2015 -- in 2016 I reached 1676 entered bills with 3 hits so far by mid-December; this amounts to a hit rate of 1 in 79.8 . My wife and I are both retired, living in Berlin only temporarily so the number of bills we enter is small. They are mainly those obtained from an ATM or received as change when paying cash at a merchant, a restaurant, or at the local farmers market. In the USA I have been tracking dollar bills since 2006 using the web site www.wheresgeorge.com so I was already familiar with the concept when I found out about the European version. My EU hit rate is still far below the one in the US which is about 1 in 11 (9.18%) out of 7093 dollar bills entered.
Sveukupno .:
Vrijednost.:4 220 751 955
Korisnici.:220 960 
Novčanice.:229 995 071 
Zanimljivi pogodci.:1 325 013 
Najbolji korisnici (broj novčanica) .:
1. Flag for Austrija Moise3 501 488
2. Flag for Njemačka ProChrist3 185 432
3. Flag for Njemačka stop religions wo...3 015 901
4. Flag for Nizozemska Vermeer2 733 037
5. Flag for Austrija H.i.n.t.i.2 471 211
6. Flag for Njemačka taucher2 227 300
7. Flag for Njemačka BGO2 022 345
8. Flag for Njemačka Math Murderer1 961 430
9. Flag for Njemačka inDUS1 919 057
10. Flag for Njemačka Hilden-Itter1 837 527
Najbolji korisnici (broj novčanica, zadnjih 7 dana) .:
1. Flag for Njemačka Hilden-Itter4 565
2. Flag for Njemačka inDUS3 973
3. Flag for Italija AngeloSalento3 391
4. Flag for Austrija Moise3 361
5. Flag for Njemačka stop religions wo...3 183
6. Flag for Francuska Kleman3 133
7. Flag for Litva siriusLT3 093
8. Flag for Italija araneus3 031
9. Flag for Austrija H.i.n.t.i.2 602
10. Flag for Austrija flovan2 464