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:. Pratite putovanje svojih euronovčanica od 1. siječnja 2002.

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    Why should I create an account?

    • It will allow you to keep track of the notes you have entered. It will also allow you to view note reports on those notes and browse through the site's various statistics and rankings.

    What are those Default fields?
    • Our users generally obtain their notes from the same place (usually their place of residence). The information you enter in those fields is used as default values when entering a note.

    Will I be able to change the information I give?
    • Yes, you can edit your account details if needed. See our FAQ for additional information.
Sveukupno .:
Vrijednost.:4 220 252 070
Korisnici.:221 000 
Novčanice.:229 966 979 
Zanimljivi pogodci.:1 325 009 
Najbolji korisnici (broj novčanica) .:
1. Flag for Austrija Moise3 501 110
2. Flag for Njemačka ProChrist3 185 332
3. Flag for Njemačka stop religions wo...3 015 421
4. Flag for Nizozemska Vermeer2 733 037
5. Flag for Austrija H.i.n.t.i.2 470 966
6. Flag for Njemačka taucher2 227 000
7. Flag for Njemačka BGO2 022 345
8. Flag for Njemačka Math Murderer1 961 316
9. Flag for Njemačka inDUS1 918 462
10. Flag for Njemačka Hilden-Itter1 836 517
Najbolji korisnici (broj novčanica, zadnjih 7 dana) .:
1. Flag for Njemačka Hilden-Itter4 145
2. Flag for Njemačka inDUS3 836
3. Flag for Njemačka stop religions wo...3 812
4. Flag for Italija AngeloSalento3 480
5. Flag for Austrija Moise3 185
6. Flag for Austrija H.i.n.t.i.2 716
7. Flag for Francuska Kleman2 636
8. Flag for Italija araneus2 487
9. Flag for Litva siriusLT2 480
10. Flag for Austrija sinehera2 228